Why You Shouldn't Rub Your Eyes: Protecting Your Vision and Overall Eye Health

We've all been there, experiencing that irresistible urge to rub our eyes, whether it's due to tiredness, irritation, or simply a habit. However, what many people don’t realize is that rubbing your eyes can be harmful. In this article, we'll explore the reasons why you should resist this common impulse and how it can protect your vision and overall eye health.

1. Risk of Infection

Your hands come into contact with countless surfaces throughout the day, picking up germs and bacteria. When you rub your eyes, you transfer these pathogens directly to your eyes, increasing the risk of infections like conjunctivitis (pink eye). To prevent infections, it’s crucial to avoid touching your eyes and practice good hand hygiene.

2. Damage to the Cornea

Rubbing your eyes with too much force can cause micro-scratches on the cornea, the clear outer layer of your eye. This can lead to corneal abrasions or even more serious conditions like keratoconus, where the cornea becomes thin and cone shaped. Such damage can affect your vision and may require medical treatment.

3. Aggravation of Allergies

For those who suffer from allergies, eye rubbing can be particularly problematic. Rubbing can exacerbate symptoms by releasing more allergens into the eye tissues, making the itching and swelling worse. Instead of rubbing, try using a cold compress or over the counter allergy eye drops to relieve allergy symptoms.

4. Dark Circles and Wrinkles

The skin around your eyes is delicate and thin. Frequent rubbing can break the tiny blood vessels under the skin, leading to dark circles and puffiness. Additionally, the repetitive motion can contribute to the development of fine lines and wrinkles, making you look older than you are.

5. Increased Eye Pressure

When you rub your eyes, you temporarily increase the pressure inside the eyeball. For individuals with certain eye conditions, like glaucoma, this can be particularly dangerous. Elevated eye pressure can damage the optic nerve and potentially lead to vision loss if not managed properly.


What to Do Instead

  • Use Eye Drops: If your eyes feel dry or irritated, lubricating eye drops or over the counter allergy drops can provide relief without the risks associated with rubbing.

  • Cold Compress: A clean, cold compress can help soothe itchy or swollen eyes, reducing the temptation to rub.

  • Practice Good Hygiene: Regularly wash your hands and avoid touching your face to minimize the risk of infections.

  • Consult an Eye Care Professional: If you experience persistent eye discomfort, consult one of our doctors to see which treatment would be best.



While it may be tempting to rub your eyes when they feel itchy or irritated, the potential risks far outweigh the temporary relief it might bring. By understanding the dangers and adopting healthier habits, you can protect your eyes and maintain better overall eye health. Remember, your eyes are delicate organs that deserve care and attention, treat them kindly, and they will serve you well throughout your life.


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